Read these 10 Motivate To Improve Your Health Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Health Management tips and hundreds of other topics.
CEOs also know that corporations can change their mission because new technologies, new competitors, or other changes influence the market. It's the same with you…you can change your mission.
But your values and your core actions probably won't change. You will value the things you've identified. If it's your family, you'll continue to value these people. If it's business success, then that value will continue to influence your behaviors. So be honest about your passion, about what really drives your energy up. Congruence—the “lining up” of your actions with your energy—happens when you are completely honest about your intent. That's how you identify your passion, and it's how you formulate a plan, a road-map, a flight-path for change. If you assume someone else's passions instead of identifying yours, you will always have conflicting goals and an unattainable mission.
Improving your health and wealth is achievable when you harness your energy to achieve the goals that are important to you. Get honest and write it down. Look at it often, modify if you need to.
You'll be creating a work-plan to achieve your mission. But the overall goal, the energy you expend to improve your health and wealth, is to go the distance to achieve your mission. You need your health to get there. You need your wealth for the journey and to enjoy yourself when you arrive.
Keeping your overall mission handy will remind you of the behaviors that you want to keep, and of those you want to change. It will cause you to pause, reflect, then act, perhaps not every time, but more often than not.
Some folks keep their mission on the refrigerator, some on the bathroom mirror, and some in their car—on the glove compartment door. It's not in the way; it's a reminder to stay focused, that there's a long-term reason for changing actions and doing better.
Check in with your mission often; repeat it, see if it really reflects who you are. Then, find ways to reflect and re-center your actions on the mission you've created, so that your health and wealth investments are improving your assets, supporting the actions that will take you on your mission for at least the next 10 years.
Anything that detracts from this mission is NOT an investment; it's a withdrawal that does not produce the health outcome –performance, inspiration, experiences—that you desire. You can adopt it or modify it. It's important that you create a mission statement that you can “own,” and that uses your passion.
The 3 steps of a Health-Wealth Mission Statement
Step 1. Choose your 3 most meaningful, purposeful, and exciting verbs—the action words that will shape your future activities. Consider what you are passionate about, what you do naturally, what you are here to give and receive. These do not have to be health-related. Some examples might be: perform, develop, capture, or create. These are your core actions. Write them here.
Step 2. Identify your most important, most valuable activities and/or people: what drives your passion, your action? What causes you to get the most out of life? When are you the most “jazzed”? Now, narrow this down to 3 words. Consider ranking the order…putting the most important value first, such as nurturing, re-inventing, inspiring. Who are the recipients of these actions (family, pet, clients, community…)
Step 3. Now, consider how health can support or detract from your actions, passion, and intent. Remember, this is a mission for your managing your most important asset: your health. Write 3 health-related words that will support the actions that you identified in Step 1. Add an action word(s) that shows how you will manage your health to achieve your goals. These become your health actions. You may want to “increase strength and energy,” “develop a new active hobby,” “stay active and prevent heart disease,” etc.
Now, construct your mission statement:
(1-3 health-actions FROM STEP 4) [example: to enhance my strength and energy]
(insert core actions/people FROM STEP 1) [example: in order to perform impressively and inspire my clients]
SO THAT I CAN (another action) [example: create memorable experiences]
(Recipients of your values/actions STEP 3) [example: for my family and friends]
Now: write your mission statement in this space:
There you have it. Now you know what your health mission is. Check it out again; repeat it, see if it really reflects who you are. If not, modify it so that you comfortable. Then, find ways to reflect and re-center your actions on the mission you've created, so that your health and wealth investments are improving your assets, supporting the actions that will take you on your mission for at least the next 10 years.
Your mission is the flag you carry that tells you how to perform. It is the rallying message, the one that keeps you focused when you want to detour. It is the short sentence that you repeat each time you are stuck in a decision., unsure about the investment you are about to make. It clarifies, defines, and reinforces the movement to our healthy future. It's simple and concise.
What mission will move you toward the vision of healthier and financially well in 10 years? Here's an idea:
“My mission is to enhance my strength and energy in order to perform impressively, to inspire my clients and to create memorable experiences with my family.”
This is one mission statement; it works for the person who values performance, inspiration and family.. It can be enhanced through increased health and wealth that support the performance. Imagine how increased health can create more energy, more brain power, more productivity for the “performance.” Imagine how increased wealth, money that is not spent on sick care, can create more opportunities to explore and learn, to travel, to reach out to others, all of which will enhance our performance levels and experiences.
Think about the mission you are undertaking: Where are you going, what will you change—or what will change because of you—when you get there?
Beginning right now, YOU are the Chief Executive Officer of your health, a corporation that needs to bring value to your life. The process you will work through is, in fact, called MyHealthCEO. The process begins with a vision of a healthy, energetic future. Feel free to embellish this vision to make it more personal , but remember that this CEO is head of a corporation that is going places, achieving goals because of a robust asset management strategy: preserving wealth by having health and not spending unintended monies/time/resources on the consequences of inattention to the “machine.”
All successful corporations have a road-path, a plan, a “mission” that guides the actions of the company. When the going is unpredictable or turbulent, having a mission statement will guide you through the tough times or remind you to get back on course. If you want to achieve health and wealth stability, and be able to withstand the setbacks that happen, then a mission statement will aid your journey.
Think about where you want to be in 10 years, and with whom. Visualize it. This is where you will be in 10 years. Are you excited about the possibilities? How can you tweak the statement to make it more real and true to you?
The more you spend some time “checking in” with your plan, the more you will find yourself moving in the direction you developed. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” The human brain cannot hold two views of reality. Therefore, by creating your vision for the future, you create a tension between what is and what could be, and you work to achieve “what could be.”
Visualize your future for a few minutes each day – while you're driving to work, going for a walk at lunch or just before you fall asleep-- and your mind will find ways to create it. To diffuse the tension, your mind will be more cognizant of what you truly want and “magically” circumstances will form to support you in making your vision a reality. This vision that you have created is the starting point for your 10-year plan. Become very familiar with this new place, because you are on the way to achieving it! It's important to the success of your plan that you know, feel, taste, wear, and love that new place—and if you don't, then go ahead and make changes, IN WRITING.
Putting real names, real locations, real intent into your personal improvement scenario makes it seem more real. This tip will guide you through this process; remember, it's important to get put these thoughts down on paper, or on your computer, so get something for “recording” right now, before you being!
Personal Description: Think about how you interact with folks throughout the day or week; use names of people important to you, adjectives that describe you, and verbs that position you in the vision you see. Remember, you are envisioning yourself in 10 years. Who is there in the picture with you? How do you feel about their presence? (You may not actually like everyone there.) How do they support the quality of your life? What activities are you doing to support good health and quality living?
Work Description: again, use names of people important to you, adjectives that describe you and verbs that position you in the vision you see. Are you still in the same job or career? Are you working for the same company, or have you moved on? Are you the “head decision-maker?” If not, who is? Whom do you supervise, and how do you work together? What are the successes you experience on a daily/weekly/yearly basis? Or, if you have you retired, what activities fill your day? What brings joy to your life?
Social/Spiritual Description: once more, use names of people important to you, adjectives that describe you and verbs that position you in the vision you see. Are you married? Have the kids moved out of the house? Are you traveling more? Are you taking care of older parents? Have you found a renewed purpose to your life? What does your life now stand for? What kind of community do you live in? How does that community support you socially and/or spiritually?
Now incorporate all of your answers from above and complete the following sentence:
In 10 years…
I will be (personal description) [living in New York City with my teenage children Zoe and Marco and my 45-year old wife who is also working] doing (work description) [example: managing people in the software development department of the largest retailer in the US]
and having (or being) (social/spiritual) [example: wine tastings before theatre with 4 of our closest friends—Mark, Melissa, Richard and Barbara—at least once a month in our apartment that overlooks Central Park].
You begin the process of creating your future by actually imagining what the future will look like. As you move through the process, compare where you are today with where you want to be in the future.
How do you envision your future? Without a vision for the future, you cannot construct a plan. Think of this vision as your ultimate destination: where do you want to go and how do you want to get there? How will you recognize your future location when you arrive? How will you be better/ healthier/ wealthier when you arrive? What contributions or attributes will you be remembered for, by your friends and family, your community?
Begin with a simple 3-level questionnaire that imagines your future only 10 years from now. In your vision, think about how old you will be and what changes you expect in your status (Married? Children? Retired? New career?).
Here are your questions that will guide your vision:
1. What is important in my personal life today? 10 years from now?
2. What is important in my work life today? 10 years from now?
3. What is important in my social and/or spiritual life today? 10 years from now?
Based on these questions, you can begin to craft a personal vision for your future. Put into words the “destination” that you inhabit in 10 years.
Improving health and wealth requires daily, weekly, and monthly/yearly upkeep. By identifying those actions and people who contribute pleasure to your daily experiences, you can create the passion to improve your health—and your wealth!
Changing behaviors can be an awesome experience. You need to identify, early, the people who can keep you motivated. You need to identify, early, the pathway to the best future that you can envision, and add your favorite people, pets, activities, and more, to the list of the items that will be with you in your future.
In order to keep from becoming overwhelmed, once again, you'll need some paper or the computer. There's no need to look for a new person, activity, or inspiration each time you need one; write down those folks, actions, and places that give you the most pleasure. It can be your pet, your nearest park, the holidays with family….anything that gives you pleasure you will keep you motivated to stay on course. Keep your list handy.
At some time in your life, you may be faced with a serious diagnosis that can be managed but that won't go away, like Steven. Steven has been diagnosed with heart disease and high cholesterol. In fact, he has undergone angioplasty at an early age. He was careful to change his eating plan to a low-fat diet, he took his medications regularly and had check-ups exactly as planned. He discussed some side-effects of the medications with his doctor, and together they found new treatments that work better for him. But he never exercised…didn't like it, wouldn't do it.
Recently, he began riding the bike with his wife. They now go on 25-mile outings, and he's added weight training to his weekly plan to increase his strength and stamina. He's losing fat and feeling better. His weight is dropping to a better, more manageable level.
“I feel like I'm living younger, I have more energy, and I look forward to healthy meals instead of focusing on what I'm missing. Exercise and seeing improvements that were measurable made all the difference in my outlook, my commitment, and my intentions,” says Steven.
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